Architecture: Neo- Moorish Architecture, with double skin to minimize heat exposure, arcade on western and southern facades. Minimum use of stones, colored plaster finish.
Interior design: Modern colors and paint techniques never used in Iraq; Marbling and Antique impression. The floor patterns and ceiling ornamentation was derived from Moorish and Islamic Architecture. Bold and Unique with soothing colors and simple classical furniture.
Used local materials, Classical Baghdadi ceiling panels in the entry space, traditional colored glass work for partitions, Spanish and Islamic patterns for circulation ceilings and floors.
Project: Baghdad Villa
Size: Land; 1000 sqm, Built Area; 1000 sqm/2 flrs
Location: Baghdad, Iraq
Status: Completed
Date: 2000 - 2001
Task: Architectural Design & Engineering, Interior Design, Landscaping, Construction, Supervision.